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Root Healing Acupuncture & Wellness

We focus on getting to the “Root” cause of your symptoms and healing!

595 Main Street, Suite 201
Dunedin, FL 34698

(727) 437-8582

Fax: (727) 240-1803
Category: Healthcare/Medical
Contact: Gene Healy
Website: www.roothealingacupuncture.com
Short Description: Welcome to Root Healing Acupuncture located in Dunedin, Florida.


Welcome to Root Healing Acupuncture located in Dunedin, Florida. We service Dunedin, Clearwater and Palm Harbor acupuncture residents as well as those wanting acupuncture in Largo, Safety Harbor, Tarpon Springs and Oldsmar. Here at Root Healing Acupuncture we focus on the getting to the “root” cause of your symptoms and healing using acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), medical yoga and meditation. If you have any questions, contact us via phone or email. Contact / FAQs
Since you are here, we would like to tell you a bit about what you can find at Root Healing Acupuncture. We are happy to share our patient testimonials with you, and you can find them under the Testimonials tab, located under the conditions we have treated. This will show you how many people we have helped, who have wanted to share their success stories!
Additionally, we have great amounts of information about a number of conditions that we can treat and how our treatments will work. If you need this confidence booster then we are happy to provide you the information you need to make the best decisions concerning your health treatments.


  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • acupuncture
  • acupressure
  • herbal medicine
  • Tuina and Shiatsu massage
  • cupping
  • moxibustion
  • medical yoga
  • meditation


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